Why FLC Made Easy,LLC?

FLC Made Easy was founded with the mission of enhancing the H-2A experience for both farmers and farm labor contractors in the agricultural sector. Although we are not the only company to provide H-2A services, we truly believe we have set ourselves apart from the competition. We began with a core focus on providing excellent customer service, transparent billing, and consistency.

Many of the large operations in this industry feature an exuberant number of steps with handoffs at every turn. As you know, labor in this country is unfortunately broken with high turnover rates, low personal “drive”, and poor accountability. When you work with the large organizations you can expect an inconsistent experience as you are passed around like a hot potato from one phase to the next. Their employee turnover further exacerbates this problem as at any given time your paperwork could be in the hands of someone who decides to exit the organization, leaving you in no-man’s land until someone can pickup the pieces.

Our approach is far different. All of our employees know the entirety of the process. What this means is your file is gracefully carried from start to finish by the same person, every time, and we vow to keep things this way. Our staff are all owner operators of the business so everyone has a vested interest in ensuring excellence when helping you through the H-2A process. This means little to no threat for turnover resulting in the same consistent experience for you each and every year.

In addition to cost transparency, providing excellent customer service is at the core of our values. We understand that effective communication and support are vital to our clients’ success. Our team is dedicated to being responsive and understanding of the unique challenges each client faces, fostering strong relationships built on trust and respect.

Finally when all is said and done, it all comes down to the money. After working in this industry with the biggest players we have seen how they milk every dime out of our agricultural employers. Between application fees, new client fees, monthly fees, agent fees, fee fees, credit card fees, employers spend each month scratching their head saying what in the hell am I even paying for?!

At FLC Made Easy we understand that each and every year farming seems to get more difficult financially. We don’t want to be part of the problem. We also realize that you don’t have the time to go through infinitely complex invoices to make sure you’re not being ripped off. If you’ve worked with a different agency I guarantee you know exactly what I’m talking about. We vow to charge you one simple fee each time we do an H-2A application for your business. Feel free to read more about our transparent cost schedules here.

Click more below to see the FLC Made Easy experience for yourself!


How to Apply for an H-2A Visa: A Step-by-Step Guide